Serve Django Application with Nginx and uwsgi

Parth Vijay
FAUN — Developer Community 🐾
3 min readJul 20, 2020


/var/www/nginx_django/project is the path to django project.

mysite is the name of my django project.

Install Nginx and configure Nginx

To install the Nginx:

Configuration file path for nginx: /etc/nginx/sites-available/django.conf

Now, enable the nginx configuration file you created, so that nginx can read:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/django.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

After linking the files, reload Nginx to reflect the change and enable the server block’s configuration file:

sudo systemctl reload nginx

If you don’t have a static and media folder in your django project directory, then you should create it.

Restart the service again:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Configure the uwsgi:

Run the uwsgi using pip

pip3 install uwsgi

Create the uwsgi directory, if not created already, inside /etc directory.

Create an emperor.ini in /etc/uwsgi directory.

Create a directory named vassals in /etc/uwsgi directory.

Create a .ini file in /etc/uwsgi/vassals for your django application, e.g. mysite.ini(You can give any name to this file)


  • pythonpath is the path where my file exists.
  • chdir is the path where my file exists.
  • home is the path where my environment directory named env exists.

Configure service file for uwsgi:

Create a service file uwsgi.service in /etc/systemd/system/ directory.

Create a user named uwsgi.

useradd -s /bin/false -r uwsgi

Create a directory sock in /opt.

mkdir /opt/uwsgi

Create directory uwsgi in /opt/sock

mkdir /opt/uwsgi/sock

Make uwsgi(user you created before) owner of uwsgi directory.

sudo chown uwsgi:uwsgi -R /opt/uwsgi

Start the services.

sudo systemctl start uwsgisudo systemctl start nginx

Thank You, Happy Coding!!!

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